The one where I: Haul books I bought in February 2019.

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February wasn’t a good reading month for me. (Hello, Kdrama. What have you done to me?) But it sure was a good book-buying month. šŸ™‚

Unlike a lot of readers out there who legit hoard, I don’t usually buy a lot of books all at the same time. My collection has grown into what it is now, with me buying only 2 or 3 at a time. So when I binge buy, you know something’s off. (Well, not really, but you know what I mean).

My last binge was on September – when I attended the 2018 Manila International Book Fair, and where I brought home a cartful of books. If you’re curious about the 16 ones I got, you can read my *happy* post here:

arrow-divider-1-1I had the chance to go to Big Bad Wolf in Manila World Trade Center. While there are literally over 2 million books sold there, I was a bit underwhelmed by the title and author choices. But I still had a great time and got the following:

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I also had the chance to visit one of my favorite Booksale branches this month. When I have trial to attend to in Manila (I live in Makati, ugh, so far!), I always make it a point to visit SM Manila’s Booksale. Lo and behold, I found some really cheap deals waiting for me there, and I got these:



Did you get to re-stack your shelf this month too? What titles did you get? I would love to talk to you below!



  1. I don’t purchase a lot of physical books but when I do I kinda go all out! I’m pretty lucky that we do have Friends of the Library Booksales (used books with proceeds to support the library) and they are EXTREMELY cheap! I splurge and buy books full price a few times a year, but for the most part, I just get the ones at a discount store or used bookstore šŸ™‚

    Awesome haul, by the way! Husband reads a lot of John Grisham šŸ™‚


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